Get ready for this exciting, fluid, and lucrative industry with licensed, qualified instructors that take pride in what they do. In 2021 we had a 74% graduation rate a 90% passing rate in Theory and a 100% pass rate in Practical, and an 88% placement rate after testing. Our instructors are dedicated to your success as a future licensed Cosmetologist. Our students are salon ready at graduation. If you're already licensed and desire to become a Cosmetology Instructor, we offer our Student Instructor program to prepare you to become a dynamic Instructor in this industry. Education is the key factor in your success and is highly valued at Upstate College of Cosmetology.
Education without implementation is incomplete. You will receive a complete educational experience. Hands-on experience allows you to practice what you've learned. You will have the opportunity to service the community with your new skills under the supervision of your high quality instructors and receive more one on one training than other schools can offer. Hands-on experience instill confidence, reveals areas of growth, and fosters creativity. This is an exciting, yet vital part of your education at
Upstate College of Cosmetology.
Life happens to everyone and won't stop happening just because you've decided to advance your career. We offer flexible enrollment scheduling to prevent students from missing key components of their education. We're proud to use the Milady Standard Cosmetology course as a revolving curriculum to accommodate year-round enrollment. We also offer flexible payment plans as an option if necessary. Find the balance of "life happening" and education at Upstate College of Cosmetology.